
To me, they are traces.
Traces of impermanence.
What once was, is.
What now is, was.
A moment, fully present.
Arising, lingering, fading away.

To me, they are traces.
Traces of impermanence.
What once was, is.
What now is, was.
A moment, fully present.
Arising, lingering, fading away.



As an artist and art educator, my main interest is in connecting dance and visual art. The intersection of the two is where I bring my ideas to life, in a form I call TanzBilder, or dance images. Movement is my artistic medium.

My desire for physical expression takes me to places where my dance images can develop their own distinctive forms. Images drawn with my body slowly evaporate in the sun, are carried away by the wind, washed by the rain, and swept away by the waves. They thrive on the moment. Attuned to my own body, I follow inner impulses and translate them into improvisations bound to a singular, irretrievable moment in time.


When we compare ourselves to others, we are looking for ourselves in them. It is only when we recognize what makes us different that we can truly see others as they are.



The place invites me to connect with it, listen to it, feel my way into it. To merge with the ground for a moment. To leave traces of myself that are part of a fleeting moment in time.

>> OCEAN.01

08 / 2021



Communing with my surroundings, I move through the sounds of the waves, which resonate in a continuous sequence of varying volume. Sometimes louder, sometimes quieter. One wave follows the other. So similar, yet so very different at the same time.

>> OCEAN.02

09 / 2021


The wonderful thing about us humans: our boundless imagination, our curiosity and thirst for discovery, our wealth of ideas and our determination to create, inspiring each other in the process.