


Dates available for individual bookings

My “Dance Images” workshop involves exploring the perception of body, space, and time through movement. I will introduce methods of movement and dance improvisation. Building on shared experiences of movement with and within our bodies, we will explore our creative possibilities. Through text, drawing, and sculptural work we will trace our experiences of movement and explore the potential of our creativity. Please bring: curiosity, openness, comfortable clothing, a blanket or mat, writing and drawing materials. The fee is €20–25 per person, per evening for a 2-hour session (depending on room hire and group size). Anyone interested in movement, with or without dance experience, is welcome.

Feel free to enquire by phone or email:

+43 660 442 88 07



Dates available for individual bookings

In this workshop you will create your very own pair of Liberation Trousers. By exploring how much freedom of movement you want in your everyday life, we will work together to develop a concept for transforming your pair of jeans. Your old jeans, perhaps showing signs of wear and tear, will be repaired and transformed into Liberation Trousers. Sustainability, body awareness and your personal interests are seamlessly integrated into the design process. The workshop is available for individuals or small groups. I offer two-hour artistic and practical one-to-one consultations for €80. The fee for the group workshop (blocked) is €180 for 2 days, 16 hours in total (min. 6, max. 8 participants). Reduced fees are available for students, and individuals with low incomes. Please bring the following: two pairs of old (well-loved) jeans, a large pair of sharp scissors, pins, a tape measure, tailor’s chalk, writing utensils, curiosity, and an open mind.

Feel free to enquire by phone or email:

+43 660 442 88 07